Hot Topics in Education

On this page you will be able to read about a variety of aspects of education that are making headlines in our nation and across the globe!

The High Cost of AP Exams, 2/11/2014
“A new report shows the number of high school students taking Advanced Placement exams has nearly doubled in the last decade. At $89 a pop — though a low-income subsidy is available — the millions of tests add up to a lot of revenue for the College Board, the non-profit that runs the AP program.” Click here for the full story:

Upcoming Changes to the SAT in 2016!

A New SAT Aims to Realign With Schoolwork
The New York Times, 3/5/2014
“Saying its college admission exams do not focus enough on the important academic skills, the College Board announced on Wednesday a fundamental rethinking of the SAT, ending the longstanding penalty for guessing wrong, cutting obscure vocabulary words and making the essay optional.” Click here for the full story:

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