Meet Our Staff

Benewah Latah Upward Bound Staff

Heather Ebba Maib, Victoria Bangudu, Cheryl Copeland, Rodrigo Juarez (left to right)

Heather E. Maib
Benewah Latah Upward Bound Project Director

Portraits of TRIO Inspire staff.

Heather Ebba Maib is the Benewah Latah Upward Bound Director. She has been a member of the Upward Bound team since September 2012 and, until recently, served Lakeside and Potlatch High Schools. Heather earned her undergraduate degree from Washington State University and attended graduate school at Oregon State University. Heather has been at the University of Idaho since 2009, and since 2005, has worked in student services at 3 4-year universities. A first-generation college student herself, Heather’s passion is to help the next generation of students find their path to a college degree. Outside of work, Heather stays busy by chasing her 6-year-old son and taking care of her 1 year old son.

E-mail Heather Ebba Maib

Potlatch Jr./Sr. High School Outreach Coordinator



Cheryl Copeland
Lakeside Jr./Sr. High School Outreach Coordinator

Portraits of TRIO Inspire staff.

Cheryl Copeland is the Upward Bound Community Outreach Coordinator assigned to Lakeside High School in Plummer, ID. Cheryl was an Academic Advisor for five years at Clackamas Community College and spent four years as both a mentor and coordinator with the Oregon ASPIRE program. She has a passion for aiding students as they transfer from secondary education to post-secondary institutions. Cheryl received her BS in Social Science from Portland State and is continuing her graduate studies here at the University of Idaho.  When not working, Cheryl enjoys reading, gardening and spending time with family, including her 6 grandchildren.

E-Mail Cheryl Copeland

Portraits of TRIO Inspire staff.

Jenine Estlick
Project & Outreach Support Specialist

Jenine Estlick works for Benewah Latah Upward Bound and is the Project and Outreach Support Specialist. She assists the director with fiscal duties and the outreach coordinators with the project and the schools. Jenine earned her Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Leisure, and Tourism Management at University of Idaho. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Landscape Architecture at the University of Idaho. Jenine is first-generation college student. Her experience as a first-generation college student motivated her to work in a project that serves students like her. In her spare time she enjoys a variety of outdoor recreation activities such as mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, and skiing. When she feels like resting, she enjoys a good novel with a delightful cup of joe.

E-mail Jenine Estlick

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